Friday, 23 March 2007

Phenomenon Web 2.0

I'm fascinated by the way our society has changed in the past few years and is still changing. The phenomenon is called Web 2.0... sounds like a new version of an old software, but in reality it is a revolution in society and technology. The dotcom hype in the 1990s didn't seem that spectacular to me - it was rather driven by an enhanced technology than by a shift in mindset. The Web 2.0 boom is different. It is a massive social experience, indicating in which direction society is moving. Some people may think it's just another bubble, but I don't.

The term Web 2.0 arose in 2004 and refers to a second generation of internet-based services — such as social networking sites, wikis and communication tools that emphasize online collaboration and sharing among users. O'Reilly Media used the expression as a title for a series of conferences in 2004. According to Tim O'Reilly "Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the internet as platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform."
Wikipedia states that the phrase Web 2.0 can also refer to "A social phenomenon embracing an approach to generating and distributing Web content itself, characterized by open communication, decentralization of authority, freedom to share and re-use, and the market as a conversation"
This description hits the nail on the head. It is also a lot about the technology behind the Web 2.0, making this easy communication possible: look at me, I have an own blog.. makes this possible for such a non-techie like me ;) But basically its about people. Web 2.0 is made up of ordinary people: lobbyists, hobbyists, diarists, techies, young, old.. people like you and me, speaking up and adding their voice to the great world wide web. I'm loving it :)

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