Sunday, 13 May 2007

Blog meme

I’ve been tagged for the first time by wotZcool who received a blog meme by Christy and passed it on to me.... of course I had no clue what a blog meme is.
Basically a meme is a small task you complete and then pass on to other bloggers to do the same thing. So it requires active participation by the blogger and is often a series of questions that a blogger answers to share some personal thoughts on random topics. When you choose the other bloggers and pass on the meme you are tagging them.

So the meme I received is to give five reasons as to why I blog and tag five other bloggers.

So, why do I blog?

1. First of all, because I want to learn. My blogging activities keep my motivation up to stay informed regarding latest developments in the web world and blogosphere.
2. Because it is a challenge to write. I need to come up with new topics for new posts and really have to be creative.
3. Because it does not have anything to do with my job. I work as an accounting advisor.
4. Because I want to build up a network of people all over the world. I love the global character of blogging: No matter where someone physically is, the blogosphere is a small world after all...
5. Because I'm addicted to acknowledgement. This a quite personal confession I'm making here ;)

And I will pass the meme on to:
1. Louiss
2. Billy Warhol
3. Wayne / Octane
4. Fedele
5. Michael Arrington (..rather known as TechCrunch... it's worth a try, isn't it?)


BillyWarhol said...


i'm honoured to be in that group*

i've seen a few of these done b4* but i've yet to participate*

i like the Viral aspect of them tho*

Cheers Dania! Billy ;))


Fedele said...

grazie Dania
troppo buona

Anonymous said...

It`s really nice article. Thank u a lot

Anonymous said...

This is a good blog. Keep up all the work. I too love blogging and expressing my opinions